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We still got the BLUES for you!!!

It’s a great time for the users of 515HO00336 Rhala Re BLUES-RED, as his first milking daughters start to calf and they exceed their expectations of top milk producing animals, with elite fitness and balanced type. 

One of the early fresh daughters is Rhala Re Daydream 66 at Rhala Holsteins in the Netherlands, she is the highest milkproducing 2yr. old at her farm, calved at 2 year old, projected at 13.576 kg milk in 305 days in her first lactation, she produced >50 kg Milk in her last 2 millk tests with <10 SCS and is a tremendous balanced cow with an incredible rear udder, a wide and sloped rump, plenty of strength from the front to the end and strong legs with an excellent locomotion.

515HO00336 Rhala Re BLUES-RED

      √ The ONLY bull in the breed (born before ’19) who combines:               >1750 MILK (HUGE PRODUCTION)
               >5.8 Productive Life  (GREAT LIFETIME)
               >1 Daughter Pregnancy Rate (FERTILITY!)
               <2.8 SCS  (HEALTHY UDDES)
               <1.9% SCE (EASY CALVINGS)

is as well the #1 R&W bull in the breed (born in ’17 or before) for: 
              GTPI, NET MERIT & RZG

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